Unshackled #77: Global Talent Visa approved, STEM bill, & EB-1A course.


Happy Wednesday. ✨

Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :)

BIG NEWS: I got my UK Global Talent Visa approved to move to London and work on my next book, "1000 Days of Love", a novel inspired by real experiences over the last 4 years in my life. The Global Talent Visa is the UK's equivalent of the O-1A and EB-1A. If you've been thinking about a move to the UK, now or in the future, read the full article I wrote breaking down the GTV, what you need to get it, and how I got it.

Now, onto the newsletter.

You're receiving this email as part of the Unshackled weekly newsletter. Immigration is a complex world. So every Wednesday, I simplify that by sharing breaking news, free webinar invites, & latest trends. If you find value in reading it, forward this to a lucky friend. If this was forwarded to you, get your own here! Read all the past editions here. 💃

This week's TL;DR

📌 UNfold: Breaking news

New Bill Aims to Retain STEM Graduates in the US

Another day, another bill: Indian-American Congressman Shri Thanedar introduced the 'Keep STEM Graduates in America Act' to simplify the H-1B visa process and increase the number of available visas, benefiting millions of foreign STEM graduates, particularly from India. The bill, HR 9023, aims to retain talented students in the US, fostering innovation and economic growth. In 2023, the US issued a record 140,000 visas to Indian students.

US Delays Major H-1B Visa Overhaul to December 2024

The US has delayed the next phase of its H-1B visa system overhaul to December 2024, aiming to enhance cap-gap protections for F-1 students and revise the H-1B specialty occupation definition. Other changes include expanding fraud detection, broadening biometrics collection, and extending employment authorization for certain renewals. The DHS plans to update border security fees for H-1B and L-1 visas by April 2025.

New USCIS Guidance Aims to Boost Entrepreneur Visa Applications

The Biden administration recently released updated guidance for the "International Entrepreneur Rule," which has been famously dubbed the "Entrepreneur Visa" (even though it's NOT a visa). Since FY 2021, USCIS has received 94 applications, approving 26 and denying 28. Entrepreneurs must show significant investment, grants, or alternative evidence to qualify. This updated information is expected to help streamline the application process and improve program efficacy.

🎁 UNlock: Resources

[Live course] Six-week live course on EB-1A & O-1A by Lodestone Legal

[Discount ends Friday] Are you applying for an EB-1A, NIW, or O-1A visa? Lodestone Legal -- a law firm based out of Boston, MA -- is launching their flagship live course that starts July 30th. I will be one of the speakers on this course (along with a former USCIS officer) sharing techniques for you to build your brand online, obtain press, publish articles, and more. Each student will receive: private 1-on-1 consultation with an attorney; $1500 credit towards filing your case; feedback on your profile; a copy of Unshackled; 25% off Unshackled membership; feedback on your achievements & more. Register before this Friday and save $500.

[Paid masterclass] How to file your first patent for EB1A (ft. Sunku Ranganath)

[TODAY] Ready to file your first patent? Join our masterclass with Sunku, a principal product manager and expert in Edge computing & 5G infrastructure. Sunku secured an EB1A with 8 criteria and has mentored others since. He has presented at over 30 peer-reviewed conferences and written 35+ patent applications, resulting in 13 filed and 3 granted by the USPTO. Book your seats now!

[Podcast] H-1B Second Lottery, Kelly Clarkson and Other SHRM24 updates!

BAL’s experts discuss the potential for a second H-1B lottery, providing insights into what this could mean for applicants and employers alike. Additionally, they touch upon lighter moments from the SHRM24 conference, including a memorable appearance by Kelly Clarkson.

💫 UNcover: Latest trends

🪄 UNveil: This week’s partner

Ready to transform your life? Apply for a free, gifted coaching session: A professional life coach is offering a coaching session to 10 highly committed individuals ready to create an extraordinary life. With hundreds of hours of coaching experience and a passion for helping people achieve their dreams, Rachana Kashyap is dedicated to supporting those who are serious about leveling up and making impactful changes. There are limited spots available. If you're ready to take the next step, share your dream life through the Google form. Selected individuals will receive a gifted coaching session aimed at helping them achieve their dreams.

👉 Wanna put yourself in front of 16,500+ high-skilled immigrants? Just hit reply to start a conversation.

⚖️ Finally, looking to consult with a lawyer?

Finding a trusted, vetted lawyer is hard. We've done the hard work by curating a list of 8 top attorneys we recommend consulting with. Whether you're looking for an EB-1A profile evaluation or to set up your business as a student, this is for you. Book a consultation today!

Are you an O1/EB1 aspirant? Claim your free course on talent visas.

I've launched a free, 5-day course on "Intro to Talent Visas in America." This is for you if you want to escape the H-1B lottery or the 100-year green card backlog and secure your future in America based on merit. Simply click here to start the course today & join 2500 immigrants. 🚀

Until next week, stay superb.

Yours truly,

Soundarya 💚

💡 None of the information shared in this newsletter is meant to be legal advice. If you're looking for legal advice, speak to a lawyer, or hit reply and let me know so I can connect you with one.

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Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) Exciting news: We're planning to open up scholarships to students on F-1/OPT/STEM OPT visas to join the Unshackled community as lifetime members! We understand that students don't have the same earning capacity as a working professional, and want to help more immigrants get talent visas. If you're a student, or know someone who is, stay tuned and make sure to open next week's newsletter --...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Friday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) In case you missed it, here's the newsletter from this week. In case you missed it, Unshackled merged with Greencard Inc. a few weeks ago, another startup -- founded by EB-1A recipients -- meant to help more immigrants obtain talent visas. In the coming months, you can expect the following from us: Publishing high-quality courses & content around talent visas Launching a podcast with EB1/O1...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) Exciting update: This week, Unshackled merged with Greencard Inc, another startup (founded by EB-1A recipients) meant to help more immigrants obtain talent visas. I've known the founders, Nikin and RK, for a while now. After several months of conversations, we realized that our visions align, and we can do a lot more together than ever on our own. In the coming months, you can expect the...