Unshackled #74: Trump's new proposal, H1B $4000 rule, & patent masterclass!


Happy Wednesday. ✨

Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :)

I have a big favor to ask: we're moving away from hi@curiousmaverick.com to hi@readunshackled.com. As you notice, this newsletter was sent from the new email. Gmail can be pretty brutal in marking emails as spam. To save us from being pushed out to your "Spam" folder, can you please "Star" this email or mark it "Important." An extra cookie for you if you can hit reply and say something (how's your day going?!). Thank you so much. 💚

Now, onto the newsletter.

You're receiving this email as part of the Unshackled weekly newsletter. Immigration is a complex world. So every Wednesday, I simplify that by sharing breaking news, free webinar invites, & latest trends. If you find value in reading it, forward this to a lucky friend. If this was forwarded to you, get your own here! Read all the past editions here. 💃

This week's TL;DR

📌 UNfold: Breaking news

Trump Vows Automatic Green Cards for US College Graduates

There's a good chance you've seen this somewhere on the internet already: Donald Trump announced a policy promising automatic green cards for foreign students graduating from US colleges, including junior colleges. The policy, marking a shift from Trump’s previous immigration stance, is seen as a strategy to appeal to wealthy business leaders and voters ahead of the November presidential election. What are your thoughts on this? Hit reply and share! Here's my take on the issue.

FIIDS USA Urges Biden to Extend Relief to H-1B Spouses and Children in Green Card Backlog

The Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS) is urging President Biden to extend immigration relief to spouses and children of H-1B visa holders stuck in the Green Card backlog. Currently, Biden's new policy offers relief to undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and their children. FIIDS has launched a petition demanding that these documented families also be included, highlighting the prolonged wait and their significant contributions to the U.S. economy. Check it out!

New H1B Visa Rules From July 8: How Indians Will Be Impacted?

The USCIS will announce new H-1B visa rules on July 8, introducing a $4,000 fee for H-1B extensions and redefining specialty occupations, potentially excluding many skilled professionals. This change, echoing a Trump-era policy, will heavily impact Indian professionals and IT companies. Employers with over 50% of their workforce on H-1B or L-1 visas will face substantial financial burdens, leading to potential hiring strategy changes. Make sure to add your comments to the Federal register by then!

🎁 UNlock: Resources

[Paid masterclass] How to file your first patent for EB1A (ft. Sunku Ranganath)

[25% off special offer] Ready to file your first patent? Join our masterclass with Sunku, a principal product manager and expert in Edge computing & 5G infrastructure. Sunku secured an EB1A with 8 criteria and has mentored others since. He has presented at over 30 peer-reviewed conferences and written 35+ patent applications, resulting in 13 filed and 3 granted by the USPTO. Book your seats early for 25% off valid only for the next 2 weeks.

[Free Webinar] O-1 Visa for Startup Founders (July 2nd, 9:00 AM PST)

If you're a current or aspiring founder, the O-1 is one of the more friendly and flexible visas for you! Join this free webinar by Legalpad to understand all of your startup visa options, including a deep-dive on the O-1A, how to qualify, and the steps you’ll need to take to apply.

[Article] Top U.S. Visas for Entrepreneurs: Finding the Best Fit for Your Business

Navigating the U.S. visa process can be complex for entrepreneurs. This article highlights the top five visa options: B-1 for short-term business visits, E-2 for investors from treaty countries, L-1 for intracompany transfers, O-1 for individuals with extraordinary abilities, and H-1B for specialty occupations. Each visa has unique benefits and requirements. Check it out!

💫 UNcover: Latest trends

🪄 UNveil: This week’s partner

Didn't get picked in the lottery? Thinking of a move to Canada? Enter Vanhack. Founded in 2015, VanHack has helped over 2000 people from across the world move to Canada! They help you with the end to end process, including getting you a work permit within 2 months and making sure you and your family are settled in. Having worked with companies like Brex, Headspace, and Accenture, VanHack works directly with your employer to make this happen, so you pay nothing out of pocket. If you got unlucky in the lottery and need a plan B, check out VanHack and book a free call with their team today!

👉 Wanna put yourself in front of 16,500+ high-skilled immigrants? Just hit reply to start a conversation.

⚖️ Finally, looking to consult with a lawyer?

Finding a trusted, vetted lawyer is hard. We've done the hard work by curating a list of 8 top attorneys we recommend consulting with. Whether you're looking for an EB-1A profile evaluation or to set up your business as a student, this is for you. Book a consultation today!

Are you an O1/EB1 aspirant? Claim your free course on talent visas.

I've launched a free, 5-day course on "Intro to Talent Visas in America." This is for you if you want to escape the H-1B lottery or the 100-year green card backlog and secure your future in America based on merit. Simply click here to start the course today & join 2500 immigrants. 🚀

Until next week, stay superb.

Yours truly,

Soundarya 💚

💡 None of the information shared in this newsletter is meant to be legal advice. If you're looking for legal advice, speak to a lawyer, or hit reply and let me know so I can connect you with one.

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Read more from Don’t waste your time and money trying to keep up with U.S. immigration.

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) Exciting news: We're planning to open up scholarships to students on F-1/OPT/STEM OPT visas to join the Unshackled community as lifetime members! We understand that students don't have the same earning capacity as a working professional, and want to help more immigrants get talent visas. If you're a student, or know someone who is, stay tuned and make sure to open next week's newsletter --...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Friday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) In case you missed it, here's the newsletter from this week. In case you missed it, Unshackled merged with Greencard Inc. a few weeks ago, another startup -- founded by EB-1A recipients -- meant to help more immigrants obtain talent visas. In the coming months, you can expect the following from us: Publishing high-quality courses & content around talent visas Launching a podcast with EB1/O1...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) Exciting update: This week, Unshackled merged with Greencard Inc, another startup (founded by EB-1A recipients) meant to help more immigrants obtain talent visas. I've known the founders, Nikin and RK, for a while now. After several months of conversations, we realized that our visions align, and we can do a lot more together than ever on our own. In the coming months, you can expect the...