(In case you missed) Unshackled #72: New H1B fees, visa-free travel, & free webinar on O1.


Happy Friday. ✨

Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :)

In case you missed this week's newsletter, I wanted to send this over.

Before we begin, a big thanks to ArgoVisa for sponsoring this newsletter and making it free for all! They're a team of former consular officers who help you practice for your upcoming visa interview. Use code "UNSHACKLED" to get 10% off on their services!

Now, onto the newsletter.

You're receiving this email as part of the Unshackled weekly newsletter. Immigration is a complex world. So every Wednesday, I simplify that by sharing breaking news, free webinar invites, & latest trends. If you find value in reading it, forward this to a lucky friend. If this was forwarded to you, get your own here! Read all the past editions here. 💃

This week's TL;DR

📌 UNfold: Breaking news

H-1B Visa Renewal Fees Could Skyrocket with New DHS Proposal

The US Department of Homeland Security proposed expanding the $4,000 9-11 Biometric Fee to include H-1B visa renewals for job title changes or duty switches, affecting up to 22,000 applications annually. This fee, currently applied only to new applications or employer changes, would now also cover extensions. This proposal aims to cover biometric entry and exit system costs, potentially imposing significant financial burdens on companies relying on H-1B and L-1 workers.

H-1B Visa Holders in Canada Can Now Sponsor Dependents for TRVs and Study Permits

H-1B visa holders who have moved to Canada under a special work permit program can now sponsor their dependents for work, study, or visit permits through the IRCC Portal. The initiative, introduced in 2023, saw all 10,000 permits claimed within 24 hours! (Remember that day?) Dependents must apply by September 27, 2024, for open work permits, while there is no deadline for visitor or student applications.

Russia Launches Visa-free Travel for Indians Likely by End of 2024

More than 60,000 Indians travelled to Moscow in 2023 (which is a 25% jump since 2022).
In fact, Indians are the top foreign tourists in the city — and now Russia wants to attract more of them. A new visa-free travel agreement is in place between Russia and India which may boost the tourist numbers from India to Russia by 30%. This program is set to be launched by the end of 2024.

🎁 UNlock: Resources

[Free Webinar] O-1 Visa for Startup Founders (June 18th, 9:00 AM PST)

If you're a current or aspiring founder, the O-1 is one of the more friendly and flexible visas for you! Join this free webinar by Legalpad to understand all of your startup visa options, including a deep-dive on the O-1A, how to qualify, and the steps you’ll need to take to apply.

[Free Recording] All About EB-2 NIW Livestream

Are you thinking of an EB-2 NIW at some point? Check this out. This is a recording of a recent webinar that covers essential questions about the National Interest Waiver (NIW) process. Hosted by Amber Davies, an immigration lawyer, it covers the common FAQs!

[Paid Guide] Template on Critical Role & High Salary For EB-1A

Dr. Aditi Paul provides a template on "Critical Role" and "High Salary" to help industry professionals meet the criteria for O1/EB1 visas. The template includes USCIS criteria clarifications, a framework with 12 questions, 33 prompts, evidence examples, and excerpts from successful cases!

💫 UNcover: Latest trends

🪄 UNveil: This week’s partner

What will the visa interview
really be like? Argo's team of Former Visa Officers are here to help! Argo provides personalized video consultation to provide analysis, coaching, and practice for your U.S. visa interview. Whether you have been refused, it’s your first attempt, or you have a complex situation, they can help you. There are many myths about the visa interview, and with Argo Visa, you can guarantee that you will get the truth by seeing your case through the eyes of a Visa Officer by working with a Former Visa Officer. Use code "UNSHACKLED" to get 10% discount on their services.

👉 Wanna put yourself in front of 16,000+ high-skilled immigrants? Just hit reply to start a conversation.

⚖️ Finally, looking to consult with a lawyer?

Finding a trusted, vetted lawyer is hard. We've done the hard work by curating a list of 8 top attorneys we recommend consulting with. Whether you're looking for an EB-1A profile evaluation or to set up your business as a student, this is for you. Book a consultation today!

Are you an O1/EB1 aspirant? Claim your free course on talent visas.

I've launched a free, 5-day course on "Intro to Talent Visas in America." This is for you if you want to escape the H-1B lottery or the 100-year green card backlog and secure your future in America based on merit. Simply click here to start the course today & join 2500 immigrants. 🚀

Until next week, stay superb.

Yours truly,

Soundarya 💚

💡 None of the information shared in this newsletter is meant to be legal advice. If you're looking for legal advice, speak to a lawyer, or hit reply and let me know so I can connect you with one.

If you didn’t enjoy the email you can always unsubscribe here.

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Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) Exciting news: We're planning to open up scholarships to students on F-1/OPT/STEM OPT visas to join the Unshackled community as lifetime members! We understand that students don't have the same earning capacity as a working professional, and want to help more immigrants get talent visas. If you're a student, or know someone who is, stay tuned and make sure to open next week's newsletter --...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Friday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) In case you missed it, here's the newsletter from this week. In case you missed it, Unshackled merged with Greencard Inc. a few weeks ago, another startup -- founded by EB-1A recipients -- meant to help more immigrants obtain talent visas. In the coming months, you can expect the following from us: Publishing high-quality courses & content around talent visas Launching a podcast with EB1/O1...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday. ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club. :) Exciting update: This week, Unshackled merged with Greencard Inc, another startup (founded by EB-1A recipients) meant to help more immigrants obtain talent visas. I've known the founders, Nikin and RK, for a while now. After several months of conversations, we realized that our visions align, and we can do a lot more together than ever on our own. In the coming months, you can expect the...